Textbook of Child Health Nursing


Section 1: Overview of Child Health Nursing

1.1 Introduction and Scope of Child Health Nursing

1.2 Basic Principles of Pediatric Nursing

1.3 Interaction with Child and Family

1.4 Reactions of Children after Hospital Visit and Hospitalisation

1.5 Changing Trends and Modern Concepts of Child Health Care

1.6 Pediatric History Taking and Examination

1.7 Child Versus Adult

Section 2: Ethics in Pediatric Nursing

2.1 Ethics in Nursing

2.2 Accountability and Assertiveness

2.3 Organization of Nursing Services in the Hospital

2.4 Evaluation of Nursing Services and Quality Assurance

Section 3: Nutrition

3.1 Normal Nutritional Requirements

3.2 Normal Physical Development (Growth)

3.3 Anthropometry and Growth Charts

3.4 Protein-Energy Malnutrition (PEM) and Failure to Thrive

3.5 Obesity

3.6 Vitamins and Micro- and Macro-Nutrients

3.7 Breast Feeding, Complementary Feeding, Supplementary Feeding, and Pediatric Balanced Diet

3.8 Diet in Different Diseases

3.9 Parenteral Nutrition (PN)

Section 4: Developmental and Behavioural Problems

4.1 Principles of Development

4.2 Developmental Milestones

4.3 Developmental Disorders

4.4 Behavioural Disorders

4.5 Developmental and Behavioural Evaluation

Section 5: Immunization

5.1 Introduction and Principles

5.2 National Immunization Schedule (NIS)

5.3 Additional Vaccines in the Private Market

5.4 Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)

5.5 Vaccine Storage and Cold Chain

Section 6: Principles of Drugs and Fluid Therapy in Children

6.1 Basics of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics

6.2 Peculiarities of Pediatric Drug Therapy

6.3 Principles of Drug Administration and Prevention of Drug Errors

6.4 Maintenance Fluid Therapy for Children

6.5 Dyselectrolytemia and Acid Base Disorders

Section 7: Care of Newborn

7.1 Transition from Fetal to Neonatal Life

7.2 Care Before, During and After Delivery

7.3 Care of Normal Newborn

7.4 Congenital Malformations

7.5 Birth Asphyxia and Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE)

7.6 Hypothermia in Newborn

7.7 Sepsis in the Newborn

7.8 Systemic Problems in Neonate

7.9 Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)

7.10 Preterm and Very Preterm Neonates

7.11 Low Birth Weight and Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR)

7.12 Neonatal Jaundice

7.13 Feeding in Neonates

7.14 Organization of Neonatal Care Unit

Section 8: Infections

8.1 Fever in Children

8.2 Malaria

8.3 Dengue

8.4 Measles

8.5 Diphtheria

8.6 Pertussis

8.7 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

8.8 Worm Infestations (Intestinal Parasites)

8.9 Enteric Fever (Typhoid Fever)

8.10 Prevention of Infection in Ward, NICU, PICU

8.11 Antibiotic Stewardship

Section 9: Tuberculosis (TB)

9.1 Epidemiology of TB

9.2 Diagnosis of Childhood TB

9.3 Management of Childhood TB

9.4 Latent TB

Section 10: Care of Respiratory Problems

10.1 Assessment of Child with Respiratory Problem

10.2 Upper Respiratory Tract Infections (URTI)

10.3 Lower Respiratory Tract Infections (LRTI)

10.4 Asthma

10.5 Chronic Suppurative Lung Disease

10.6 Pleural Effusion and Empyema

Section 11: Care of Gastrointestinal Problems

11.1 Acute Diarrhea

11.2 Chronic Diarrhea and Malabsorption Syndromes

11.3 Vomiting

11.4 Gastroesophageal Reflux and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

11.5 Constipation

11.6 Pain Abdomen

11.7 Jaundice

11.8 Acute Viral Hepatitis

11.9 Chronic Liver Disease

11.10 Upper and Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding

Section 12: Care of Neurological Problems

12.1 Seizures and Epilepsy in Children

12.2 Central Nervous System Infections

12.3 Coma

12.4 Cerebral Palsy

12.5 Neuromuscular Disorders

12.6 Acute Flaccid Paralysis

12.7 Neural Tube Defects

Section 13: Care of Musculoskeletal and Rheumatic Disorders

13.1 Approach to a Child with Musculoskeletal and Rheumatic Disorders

13.2 Infections of Bone and Joints

13.3 Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis

13.4 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

13.5 Vasculitis

13.6 Miscellaneous Connective Tissue Disorders

13.7 Physiotherapy in a Child with an Underlying Rheumatic Disorder

13.8 Nursing Care of a Child with Rheumatic Disorder

Section 14: Care of Cardiology Problems

14.1 Assessment of a Child with Congenital Heart Disease

14.2 Common Congenital Heart Diseases

14.3 Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease

14.4 Heart Failure in Children

Section 15: Care of Hematology Problems

15.1 Approach to a Child with Anemia

15.2 Iron Deficiency Anemia

15.3 Megaloblastic Anemia

15.4 Transfusion of Blood Products

15.5 Approach to a Child with Bleeding Disorder

15.6 Haemophilia

15.7 Thalassemia

15.8 Aplastic Anemia

Section 16: Care of Oncology Problems

16.1 Childhood Leukemias

16.2 Childhood Lymphomas

16.3 Childhood Solid Tumors

16.4 Nursing Care Map for a Child with Malignancy

Section 17: Care of Endocrine Problems

17.1 Disorders of the Pituitary Gland

17.2 Diabetes Insipidus

17.3 Disorders of Thyroid

17.4 Disorders of Calcium Metabolism

17.5 Disorders of Adrenal Glands

17.6 Obesity

17.7 Disorders of Puberty

17.8 Disorders of Sexual Differentiation

17.9 Diabetes Mellitus

Section 18: Genetic Disorders – A Primer for Nurses

18.1 Genetic Disorders and Their Testing

18.2 Genetic Counseling

18.3 Prevention of Genetic Disorders

18.4 Treatment of Genetic Disorders

Section 19: Care of Renal and Genitourinary Disorders

19.1 Genitourinary Anatomy and Congenital Abnormalities

19.2 Evaluation of Kidney Function

19.3 Urinary Tract Infection

19.4 Nephrotic Syndrome

19.5 Glomerular Diseases

19.6 Tubular Disorders

19.7 Acute Kidney Injury

19.8 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

19.9 Kidney Replacement Therapy

19.10 Hypertension

Section 20: Care of Skin Problems

20.1 Approach to a Child of Fever with Rash

20.2 Scabies

20.3 Urticaria

Section 21: Care of Eye Problems

21.1 Refractive Error

21.2 Ocular Infections

21.3 Pediatric Cataract

21.4 Ocular Trauma and Foreign Body

21.5 Disorders of Anterior and Posterior Segment

21.6 Preventive Ophthalmology

Section 22: Care of Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Problems

22.1 Otitis Media

22.2 Adenoid Hypertrophy

22.3 Hearing Loss

22.4 Epistaxis

Section 23: Care of Orthopaedic Problems

23.1 Approach to a Children with Orthopaedic Problems

23.2 Congenital TalipesEquinovarus (CTEV)

23.3 Fractures in Children

23.4 Prevention of Trauma

Section 24: Care of Dental Problems

24.1 Examination of the Oral Cavity

24.2 Common Diseases of the Oral Cavity

24.3 Nursing Care of an Oral Cavity

Section 25: Common Pediatric Surgical Conditions

25.1 Thoracic Malformations: Tracheoesophageal Fistula, Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

25.2 Pyloric Stenosis

25.3 Appendicitis

25.4 Malrotation of the Gut

25.5 Intussusception

25.6 Rectal Prolapse

25.7 Genitourinary Problems

25.8 Hernia

25.9 Cleft Lip, Cleft Palate

25.10 Anorectal Malformation, Abdominal Wall Defects

25.11 Wound Dressing and Suture Removal

25.12 Pre- and Post-Operative Care

Section 26: Pediatric Emergencies

26.1 General Approach to Pediatric Emergencies

26.2 Neonatal Emergencies

26.3 Poisoning in Children

26.4 Foreign Body Aspiration and Ingestion

26.5 Burns

26.6 Drowning

26.7 Basics of Pediatric Resuscitation

26.8 Nursing Care of a Child in Emergency

26.9 Simulation Based Training

Section 27: Child Health Nursing in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU)

27.1 Care of a Child on a Ventilator

27.2 Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Section 28: Nursing in Palliative Care

28.1 Principles of Palliative Care

28.2 Systemic Palliative Care

28.3 Care of Pre-Terminal Child

28.4 Pain and Nursing Care for Palliative Care

Section 29: Handling of Death

29.1 Verification and Notification

29.2 Care after Death

29.3 Communication

Section 30: Community Pediatrics and Health Programs

30.1 Pediatrics, Parenthood and Community

30.2 Childhood Health Programs

30.3 School and Adolescent Health Programs

30.4 Child Mortality Statistics and National Policies

30.5 International and National Child Agencies

30.6 Rights of Child

30.7 Child Care Centers

30.8 Preventive Pediatrics Including Accident Prevention

Section 31: Environmental Health Hazards

31.1 Overview of Environmental Health Hazards

31.2 What is an Environmental Health Hazard?

31.3 Categories of Environmental Health Hazards

31.4 Principles of Hazard Management

31.5 Environmental Pollution

31.6 Principles of Pollution Management

Section 32: Nursing Procedures

32.1 Bathing an Infant

32.2 Weighing a Baby

32.3 Changing Napkin

32.4 Oxygen Administration

32.5 Gastric Lavage

32.6 Urinary Catheterization

32.7 Enema, Bowel Wash

32.8 Feeding via Various Devices

32.9 Endotracheal Suction

32.10 Chest Physiotherapy

32.11 Applying Restraints

32.12 IV Cannulation and Blood Withdrawal

32.13 Nasogastric Tube Insertion

32.14 Assisting Doctors in Procedures

32.15 Administration of Medications

32.16 Ostomy Care