
NICU Protocols of Jipmer- 2nd Edition

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ISBN : 978-81-950560-1-9




Preface to the Second Edition

We are happy to present the second edition of NICU Protocols of JIPMER. The response to the first edition from the neonatal caregivers was really heartening, and the printed copies sold out very quickly. We had a choice of reprinting or bringing out a new edition of the book and chose the second option so that we could update the earlier chapters, and add new protocols that the readers including our own residents requested. We, the authors, editors, and publishers, are sure that you will extend us the same support that you did for the previous edition.

Scientific knowledge keeps changing in any field and neonatology cannot be an exception. We have tried to include protocols for most of the common issues related to the care of newborns. Our experience over the years has been amalgamated with evidence from the scientific literature to provide the latest and most relevant answers to the issues we face when delivering care to neonates. We sincerely hope that the book will help in improving neonatal care in your institution and in the country as a whole.

The challenges faced by individual neonatal units may differ across the country. Please feel free to modify the information given in this book to suit the local context. A protocol book offers a framework for managing common issues but cannot be complete in all respects. Please complement the information in this book with information from other scientific sources when managing an individual infant.

We have added twenty new protocols in this edition. Although the book is a bit thicker than the previous one, it is still a handy size to carry to your workplace. We have made every effort to check the accuracy of the contents, but a few errors must have inevitably crept in. With your feedback, the contents can be even better the next time.

We are thankful to all our contributors.  They are our present and past faculty and residents and have put in long hours updating the earlier protocols and drafting the fresh ones. Dr. Adhisivam Bethou, Additional Professor and present Head of the Department of Neonatology, needs to be specially thanked for all the help. We are also thankful to our readers who provided us with valued feedback.

We thank Prof I. C. Verma, Prof S. K. Kabra, and the managing trustees of the Indian Journal of Pediatrics for publishing our work. We are also thankful to Ms. Nidhi Mehta, Mr. Rajiv Dhir and others in the IJP team for providing us with much-needed technical assistance. We are indebted to them for their active contribution throughout the process.

We are also thankful to all our readers, who encouraged us to write this second edition by buying up all copies of the first! It is our hope that this edition will be received even more enthusiastically than the first

1. Vishnu Bhat

Director–Medical Research,

Professor of Pediatrics and Neonatology,

Aarupadaiveedu Medical College and Hospital, 

Vinayaka Mission’s Research Foundation, Puducherry

2. Nishad Plakkal

Associate Professor of Neonatology,

JIPMER, Puducherry


(For any queries, please call us at 9810290145 or email at ijpsub@gmail.com)






.. VI



Normal Newborn, Essential Newborn Care and General Issues

1. Care of the Normal Newborn

.. 3-6

2. Care of the Newborn in the Labor Room

.. 7-11

3. Breastmilk and Breastfeeding

. 12-17

4. Thermoregulation

.. 18-21

5. Neonatal Resuscitation

.. 22-33

6. Kangaroo Mother Care

.. 34-37

7. Developmentally Supportive Care

.. 38-41

8. Human Milk Banking

.. 42-46

9. Infant with Congenital Malformations

.. 47-54

NICU: Admission & Discharge

10. NICU Admission and Discharge

.. 57-59

11. Discharge Planning of the High Risk Neonate

.. 60-62

12. Palliative Care

.. 63-65

Nutrition and Gastrointestinal System

13. Feeding of Preterm Infants .. 69-72

14. Fluid and Electrolyte Balance in Newborns

.. 73-82

15. Parenteral Nutrition

.. 83-89

16. Neonatal Jaundice

.. 90-100

17. Neonatal Necrotizing Enterocolitis

.. 101-105

18. Neonatal Acute Liver Failure

.. 106-109

Respiratory System

19. Approach to the Neonate with Respiratory Distress

.. 113-123

20. RDS and Surfactant Therapy

.. 124–129

21. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome

.. 130-134

22. Neonatal Pneumonia


23. Apnea of Prematurity


24. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia

Respiratory Support and Critical Care


25. Quick Guide to NICU Equipment

.. 155-162

26. Neonatal Pulmonary Graphics

.. 163-167

27. Noninvasive Respiratory Support

.. 168-174

28. Mechanical Ventilation of the Neonate

.. 175-184

29. Neonatal Transport

.. 185-188

Cardiovascular System


30. Shock in Neonates

.. 191-204

31. Patent Ductus Arteriosus in Preterm Infants

.. 205-212

32. Critical Congenital Heart Disease

.. 213-219

33. Acute Kidney Injury

.. 223-228

34. Disorders of Sex Development

.. 229-235

Central Nervous System

35. Neonatal Seizures

.. 239-248

36. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy

.. 249-256

Metabolic and Hematologic Problems

37. Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia

.. 259-264

38. Hypocalcemia

.. 265-267

39. Polycythemia

.. 268-270

40. Neonatal Anemia

. 271-275

41. Thrombocytopenia

.. 276-281

42. Inborn Errors of Metabolism

.. 282–290

43. Blood Component Therapy

.. 291–297

44. Metabolic Bone Disease

.. 298–302

Endocrine Problems

45. Congenital Hypothyroidism

.. 305-310

Infection and Antimicrobial Therapy

  • Housekeeping in the NICU
  • Prevention of Infection
  • Neonatal Sepsis and Antibiotic Policy



49. SARS-CoV-2 Infection (COVID-19) in Neonates .. 337–343

50. Management of Common Perinatal Infections

.. 344–350


Annexure A: Common Drugs Used in the NICU

.. 353–360

Annexure B: Fenton 2013 Growth Charts

.. 361-362

Annexure C: Immunization Card JIPMER Immunization, Growth and
Development Record





Annexure D: Blood Pressure Centile Charts

.. 368

Annexure E: Ventricular Index

.. 369-370
Annexure F: Reference Values for Lab Parameters .. 371-374

Subject Index

.. 375-378


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